
  • High end washer and dryer and kitchen and bath faucets

Consumer Products

Since 1989, Adaptek Systems has focused on manufactured products and processes that require precision, high repeatability and consistency. This expertise has spanned many manufacturing environments, but most notable are those industries involved with producing higher volume products where reliability and quality is critical.

While many consumer products have historically moved to offshore locations, our customers have experienced great success in North America utilizing best fit automation solutions supplied by Adaptek Systems to meet the challenge. From the individual component level to a fully assembled finished product, Adaptek Systems offers the many options needed for domestic manufacturers to remain competitive and profitable in their daily production environment.

Industry Automation Expertise:

  • Electronics
  • Appliance
  • Controls
  • Communications


  • Their entire engineering staff, sales, support, on site machining capabilities, and ability to meet promised schedule dates is truly excellent